studio wok was founded by Marcello Bondavalli, Nicola Brenna and Carlo Alberto Tagliabue.


Since 2012, we have focused our research on architecture, design and landscape, paying great attention to the quality of living.

We have taken part in several national and international competitions, where we have won a number of awards.

Our work has been featured in major exhibitions, including “Stanze, altre filosofie dell’abitare” at the XXI Triennale di Milano and “Invisible Architecture” at the Museo Carlo Bilotti Aranciera in Villa Borghese, Rome.

Our projects have been featured in numerous publications such as “Wallpaper”, “La Repubblica”, “Abitare” “AD Germany”, “Elle Decor” and “Living” by Corriere della Sera.

In addition to our professional design work, we engage in academic endeavours and we have been invited to give lessons and workshops at various universities in Italy and abroad: Politecnico di Milano, SUN Seconda Università di Napoli, ISCTE-IUL Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and Domus Academy.

We have been featured in the Wallpaper* Architects Directory 2019 ,  the selection of the 20 world’s most promising emerging practices

Our methodological and design approach is artisanal. For the development of our work, we carefully note the physical features of the project site: the landscape, the materials that characterise the area, the light, the atmosphere.



Our quest for environmental sustainability does not only involve the use of certain technical devices and systems, it is primarily a design and construction process that considers – and makes the most  of natural and environmental aspects – specific to each location. We prefer the use of natural materials, capable of evolving over time and able to mature in step with the architectural structure that welcomes them.



Over time, several collaborators have joined the team who now form a cohesive and dynamic group. Every project comes from the comparison of the ideas of all members of the company and the integration of specific expertise from consultants who work alongside us.


Since 2016 Federica Torri, senior architect

Since 2018 Claudia Begni, senior architect

Since 2020 Marzia Colombo and Sara Cefis, architects

Since 2024 Laura Trobec



The following have collaborated with the studio in various ways so far: Alberto D’Asaro, Marta Pavan, Giulio Spiranelli, Dominika Mucha, Patryk Mrugula, Martin Huba, Benedetta Sciaraffa, Giulia Galimberti, Clelia Zurlo, Mariachiara Vinati, Katarzyna Pawlik, Elena Busoni, Marcella Procaccini , Elena Angeli, Filippo Bernardini, Giulia Procaccini, Francesca Ghiselli, Paolo Manfroni, Pavlo Kukurudz, Noemi Colombo.



The concept of habitat, for us, refers to the quality of living: conceiving, designing and building positive environmental conditions is our aim. And this design research constantly infuses our work, whether it be developed on a residential or urban scale.
The word habitat, in fact, comes from the Latin verb habeo indicating to have, but also to inhabit. Inhabit also means creating habits: habits are created by the interaction with the environment and allow us to inhabit reality. There is a close relationship between us humans, the nature of places and the way we live in them: the living space is like an outfit that instead of being worn, is to be experienced.

International Award for Architectural Renovation “DOMUS RESTAURO E CONSERVAZIONE FASSA BORTOLO” VII Edizione
First Prize Fassa Bortolo
Prize Maestri Comacini Ed.2019, Ordine degli Architetti PPC della Provincia di Como
First Prize and Mention Under 36
Competition #scuoleinnovative, New kindergarten in Arzachena (OT)
First Prize
Competition EERA Contest 2016
First Prize
Competition Telecom headquarter in Roma
with UNO-A, Calzoni Architetti, BEMaa, Studio Bodega, Studio Iorio, General Planning, Emanuele Naboni e B22.
First Prize
Competition New Erba (CO) city center
First Prize
Prize Architetti Verona 2013
Competition S. Giorgio Square in Palù (VR)
Second Prize
Young Italian Architets 2012 Prize
Competition Europan 11
with V. Ortalli
Honorable mention
Competition AAA Architetti Cercasi 2010 Milano
with A. Manzeni
Honorable mention
Competition Decò. Alì, modular seating system
with P. Capellini e T. Musicco
First Prize
Competition FBM 2009 Assisi (PG)
with P. Capellini
First Prize
Music Innovation Hub - DA Domus Academy
in collaboration with BASE Milano
ADSL 2016 - Università di Anversa, Faculty of Design Sciences
participants Elien De Jaeger, Tes Dhooge, Sebastian Lenders, Ben Tritsmans, Marie Brorsen, Laura De Wilde, Viktoria Kelderer, Tasha Van Laer, Curd Vesters, Michiel Celen, Arno Fleerackers, Sophie Leroy, Jolan Wielant, Carlo De Caluwe, Abdelrahman Hisham
ADSL 2015 - Università di Anversa, Faculty of Design Sciences
participants Nathalie De Shutter, Nina Hooyberghs, Linsy Leyland, Mayar Hussein, Nermine Assad, Marwa Maher, Elien de Jaeger, Fèlice Palmen, Lara Meeus, Martin De Nayer, Kostatin Blecha, Alicia Sanchez Fonseca, Gregory Boel, Andreas Porreye, Ruben Jacobs, Shana Rens, Lien Van Den Broeck
ADSL 2014 - Università di Anversa, Faculty of Design Sciences
participants Eline Van Goethem, Biscop Dorien, Zeynep Azman Emine, Margot Bertels, Katrien Konings, Arne De Crom, Charles Krug, Marta Lopez Miguelez, Laura Borreguero, Laurence Evrard, Stefanie Gielen, Hadewych Gielen, Nina Hooyberghs, Margot Sanders, Gitte Willems, Anneleen Raeymaekers
Expo 2015 Bio Mediterraneum Cluster
with Stefano Guidarini, Cherubino Gambardella, Lorenzo Capobianco, Camillo Magni, Luca Varvello, Alberto D'Asaro, Stefano D’Armento, Amr Farouk Fouad, Luca Maccarinelli, Mahy Ahmed Tarkan
New Generations Festival
with ateliermob + Estudio SIC. participants Emilio Mossa, Paolo Mossa, Francesca Rotundo, Lucilla Zanolari, Evita Hatzipegiou, Marta Pavan, Chiara Rizzi, Alfredo Barba, Bianca Maria Francolini, Luca Allievi, Dao-Ming Chang, Inge de Boer, Chiara Cicciarella and Mariella Gentile
150° Anniversario Politecnico di Milano
with Stefano Guidarini,Lola Ottolini, Cecilia Bolognesi, Pierluigi Salvadeo, Cesare Macchi Cassia, Pietro Macchi Cassia, Paolo Mazzoleni. participants Marco Cimolato, Alberto D’Asaro, Cristina Iore, Carlo Milani, Davide Saibene, Stefano Zagni
#REMIX architetti nell'età del network
curated by Gizmo, Politecnico di Milano
Invisible Architecture
curated by Rita Elvira Adamo, Museo Carlo Bilotti
Roma, Italy
CONTROCAMPO. Gli architetti italiani ci mettono la faccia
curated by L. Molinari e A. Benetti a Spazio FMG
Milano, Italy
XXI Triennale di Milano 21st century Design after Design. "Stanze, altre filosofie dell'abitare"
curated by B. Finessi, Triennale di Milano
Milano, Italy
YAP 2013
Young Architects Program competition participant
Roma, Italy
Salone Internalzionale del Mobile
Milano , Italy
Europan 11. Norrkoping
Form/Design center
Malmo, Sweden
March 2020
House in the countryside in Chievo
Icon Design
February 2020
Milkman HQ
February 2020
Milkman HQ
Elle Decor
January 2020
Milkman HQ
December 2019
Milkman HQ
Azure Magazine
October 2019
Elle Decor
September 2019
Appartamento in Porta Venezia
Interni magazine
July 2019
Architects Directory 2019
April 2019
House in the countryside in Chievo
Year Book 3
April 2019
House in the countryside in Chievo
AD Germany
April 2019
House in the countryside in Chievo
Enki Magazine
January 2019
House in the countryside in Chievo
December 2018
House in the countryside in Chievo
December 2018
House in the countryside in Chievo
Elle Decor
December 2018
House in the countryside in Chievo
December 2018
House in the countryside in Chievo
December 2018
House in the countryside in Chievo
Abitare n°580
October 2018
Batipin Flat
October 2018
Penthouse at the Cà Brutta
Elle Decor
April 2018
Prossima Fermata - Ice-cream laboratory
Icon Design
March 2018
Prossima Fermata - Ice-cream laboratory
January 2018
Batipin Flat
Elle Decor
November 2017
Batipin Flat
MCM – Milano capitale del Moderno
April 2017
Batipin Flat
Small Homes, Grand Living
February 2017
Alì, modular seating system / Living in the infravillas
Architettura invisibile
December/February 2017
Batipin Flat
Avivre N° 33
December 2016
Batipin Flat
Small + Smart Interiors
October/November 2016
Batipin Flat
Hise N° 96
September 2016
Batipin Flat
Stanze, altre filosofie dell'abitare
May 2016
Joint School of design & Innovation Centre
April 2016
Riverside apartment
Small & chic interiors
March 2016
Batipin Flat
AD Spain
23 January 2016
Batipin Flat
La Repubblica
December 2015
Batipin Flat
I-plus N° 002
November 2015
Batipin Flat
October 2015
studio wok
October 2015
Batipin Flat
Namas ir as N° 156
September 2015
Batipin Flat
Living, Corriere della Sera
April/May 2014
Binario Verde
Talea N° 44
September/December 2013
Riverside apartment
Architettiverona 95
April 2013
Living in the infravillas
Rebel Matters, Radical Patterns
January/April 2013
Riverside apartment
Architettiverona 93
January 2013
AAA Architetti Cercasi
Future magazine N° 39-40
June 2012
Living in the infravillas
June 2011
AAA Architetti Cercasi
Abitare la densità
April 2010
Alì, modular seating system
Ottagono speciale Decò

Via Raffaele Parravicini n° 16
20125 Milano

T. +39 02 840 766 62
studio wok architetti associati
Marcello Bondavalli
Nicola Brenna
Carlo Alberto Tagliabue

Would you like to work with studio wok? Only if you know to use Archicad, send a single PDF file, maximum size 5 MB, with a cover letter, CV and some samples of your work to

Press office & communication

Fiammetta Gamboni
